Forced air heating and cooling systems are among the most popular and common types of HVAC systems. However, if you aren't sure if this is right for you, it can help to know about the benefits and drawbacks. Here are some pros and cons of these types of systems to be aware of:

Pro: It is inexpensive

Some people believe forced air heating and cooling systems are expensive, but the opposite is true. This is one of the least expensive ways to have effective cooling and heating in your home. Not only is the installation process often less expensive, but operating you heating and cooling will also save you money.

Con: The furnace might be very loud

If you are hoping to get a heating and cooling system that you can barely hear, you might not be heavy in the winter when you need to turn on the furnace. A furnace used for a forced air heating and cooling system is sometimes very loud. While the air conditioner is typically a gentle hum, the heat can cause quite a bit of noise when it is turned on.

Pro: You have better air quality

When you have forced air and heating in your home, you will find that the air quality is much better. The air can often be filtered before it exits the vents and enters each room to heat them or cool them off. This allows for clean, allergy-free air. Some of these systems also provide humidified or dehumidified air so your home is also more comfortable. Make sure the air filters and vents are clean so you get the best air quality possible.

Con: You may need extra ductwork to be installed

The installation itself can be a hassle for forced air heating and cooling system, which might turn you off from them. You may need to add more ductwork for this system to be effective, which takes up more space in your walls. The installation is more strenuous and might cost you more than some of the alternatives.

Pro: You get cooling in addition to heat

This is the only HVAC system that provides heating and cooling with the same distribution method. Instead of having to install a boiler or other appliance in additional to the air conditioning system, you install just one forced air system and get both heating and cooling. It can save you money and time on the installation, plus eliminates extra appliances.

To learn more, contact a company such as Climec Residential Inc. with any questions you have.
