Though you may not realize it, your home plumbing system relies on through-roof plumbing vents in order to move water safely and efficiently from one point to another. The problems is that, over time, such vents run the risk of being blocked--whether by debris, damage, or animal nests--and thus ceasing to allow the smooth movement of water. If you would like to improve your home plumbing troubleshooting skills, read on. This article will teach you about three signs that you've got a plumbing vent problem on your hands.

No Drainage

As noted above, plumbing vents allow water to flow easily into--and out of--the pipes in your home. The most basic sign that something is not right with your venting system is that you have suddenly begun to encounter poor drainage at one of your plumbing fixtures. Chances are even greater that you have a vent problem when such drainage issues affect not just one but multiple of your drains.

Toilet Bubbles

This is another frequently encountered indication of an obstructed plumbing vent. In some cases the bubbling will seem to be happening constantly; in others it will only seem to happen when other plumbing fixtures nearby are turned on. In both cases, the problem is that air is not able to enter the plumbing system the way that it should.

This lack of vent air will cause a couple things to happen. First off, it will restrict the flow of water by ensuring that the pressure does not have a necessary outlet. Second, it will cause the system to suck in air from your home. Because this air has no outlet through the plumbing vent, it will instead find other outlets--your toilet, for instance.

Sewer Smells

When your plumbing system fails to be able to draw air through the plumbing vent, all manner of pressure related problems will ensue. In some cases, this will cause the water to drain out of the P-traps that can be found beneath sinks and other plumbing fixtures. Unfortunately, this can lead to some seriously stinky results.

You see, P-traps are designed so as to always retain a certain volume of water. This water presents an air-tight barrier, thus preventing gases from rising up from the sewer and entering your home. If you have recently begun to notice such unpleasant odors, there is a good chance they are tied to a problem with your plumbing vents.

Talk with a company like C B Lucas Heating & Air Conditioning for more information.
