An air-source heat pump absorbs heat from the ambient air and uses it to warm indoor air. This system promises increased energy efficiency and better savings on residential heating. But is this modern technology worth investing in? Is it more cost-efficient than conventional heating systems such as furnaces? Here are a few ways an air-source heat pump can save money on residential heating.

Installation Costs

Heat pumps cost more upfront than conventional furnaces. However, unlike furnaces, air-source heat pumps don't need ducts to circulate warm air throughout the home. Instead, they use indoor air handlers to supply heated air. You can even zone your system to meet the heating needs of various indoor spaces.

Since air-source heat pumps don't need ducts, they are cheaper to install than furnaces. If you don't have an existing heating system in your home, you can go ductless and save money on ductwork design and installation. Place the heat pump's air handlers high up, close to the ceiling, for efficient air circulation. 

Reverse Refrigeration Technology

Normally, heat pumps use refrigerant to draw heat from outside and circulate it in the home. However, they have a reverse refrigeration feature that allows the system to do the opposite: it draws heat from the house and dissipates it outdoors. This makes heat pumps ideal for both heating and cooling. Therefore, if you don't already have an air conditioning system, you can use the heat pump to cool your home during the summer. This eliminates the cost of buying, installing, and maintaining a separate cooling system.

Energy Expenses

Furnaces use gas, electricity, or propane to provide heating. Therefore, for the unit to generate heat, it must consume energy. Conversely, heat pumps don't generate heat—they absorb it from the ambient air. Therefore, an air-source heat pump needs electrical energy to power the appliance and not generate heat. This significantly lowers the amount of energy consumed by the system during heating. Consequently, your annual electric bill will be reduced as well.

Maintenance Costs

Gas furnaces have gas lines, burners, heat exchangers, and venting systems, all of which need regular maintenance to function correctly. Failure to maintain the system can lower system efficiency, increase heating costs, and expose your household to carbon monoxide leaks. Therefore, you need to account for the cost of servicing the furnace at least once a year. 

Conversely, heat pumps don't have combustion and venting systems. Instead, they have two key components: a compressor and an evaporator unit. The heat pump is easy to maintain and only needs regular cleaning. Furthermore, the absence of ductwork results in fast and efficient maintenance.

Air-source heat pumps are incredibly cost-efficient and versatile. Contact an HVAC contractor for heating installation services.
